Electronic Marker with Refillable Ink and Multiple Grey Selection
This was a fun project designing a conceptual product that eliminates trash in some way. Although there is there is no physical manifestation of the pen or the mechanisms, it is important to develop these ideas to their fullest extent. This is how innovation takes place! As I did more research and iterations of how this product might work, I eventually got to a point where this was a realistic product rather than a thought experiment. Cars, planes, and televisions may have also seemed unrealistic before they existed.

Concept Development and Ideation Process
This product came about by addressing the issue of disposable items. After brainstorming I eventually settled on the alcohol based markers that I use daily. Anyone who uses these markers has a set of 10-20 individual grey markers, which is not only wasteful but inconvenient. I started to develop the concept of an electronic luxury item which would be standard in the artist toolkit. The next step was coming up with the physical manifestation of the product as well as the mechanical components and how it would work.