Design + Branding: Eyewear + Jewelry Concepts
This was a fun project designing high-end retail jewelry and sunglasses. I was able to use my various skills in CAD modeling, graphic design, and marketing to deliver an aesthetically pleasing ad campaign that feels modern and luxurious. I modeled the sunglasses in SolidWorks and the Pendant in Rhino 3D, then rendered the images using Keyshot software. The logos and layouts were done in Adobe Illustrator, with additional image editing in Photoshop. Aesthetics matter, and a fine line seperates consumer perception of what is a luxury brand and what is not. I studied this concept in depth during my Marketing studies at SFSU.

Design Process and Development
As with most projects, jewelry and sunglasses require an interesting concept before any actual design takes place. This was accomplished by utilizing mood boards for aesthetic and conceptual inspiration. One unique aspect of wearables is that they need to be worn! This required a rough prototype for the sunglasses simply to determine that the dimensions would be correct to fit a human head, in this case I sculpted it out of foam. For the pendant I used a 3D printer to create a scale replica, which gives the size and look of the piece in three dimensions.